Saturday night in Culver City and L.A....
We usually don't like to throw off Asha's sleep pattern by going out in the evening but there was too much good stuff happening tonight.
Our first stop was in Culver City at Taylor De Cordoba gallery for Andrew Schoultz's closing show, Loud & Quiet, and Book Release Party. The book is titled Ulysses: Departures, Journeys, & Returns. Multiple copies of the book were available for purchase and a genuine crowd of artsy type fans and artists. Andrew was on hand to sign copies and be congratulated by friends, peers and randoms.

Our next stop was around the corner for Black Market Gallery's Annual Group show. This show had some great pieces. All new works by Jeff Soto, Dave Kinsey, Ben Tour and Tiffany Bozic, along with celebrated artists such as Alex One, David Ellis, Lucy McLauchlan, Amir H. Fallah and many others. I was thinking about buying an Andrew Pommier piece but Mona wasn't feeling it.
Here's Mona in front of a Mark Dean Veca mural/installation.

Here's a great piece by Dave Kinsey. Dave is also the co-owner of Black Market gallery.

After the art parties, we drove around for a half hour for a place to eat. Somehow we ended up in L.A. for some Thai food. Chao Krung is located just across from the CBS studios and The Grove. This is a very romantic place to eat.