Still here...
I know it's been over two months since I last updated this blog. The reason for the late delivery is my schedule with the new job and monthly business trips to Boise. Starting today, I will commit to at least one entry per week ...and maybe two if I have some extra time.
In late February, Mona, Asha and I went to The Burning House exhibit, a group show with art and a collaborative installation by Swoon, David Ellis, and Faile at New Image Art Gallery in Los Angeles, CA.
Walking into the gallery was overwhelming. Much like the wheat pasted walls in San Fancisco or New York, every inch of wall, window, or door was wheat pasted or painted over. (See pictures below) As your eyes adjust, you start to see that a Swoon fish cut-out intertwines with a David Ellis “motion” painting, which are on top of a Faile sign. A beautiful and cohesive collaboration, it's hard to tell where one artist’s work ends and another begins.
There also are individual works by each artist. Ellis has cute cut-out and painted trucks, Swoon has a few individual portraits including a striking pregnant woman called, “Zahra” and Faile has an array of their pulp fiction-inspired canvases. Here's some photos from the exhibit:
Mona and Asha relaxing in front of a Faile installation:
Two pieces from Ms. Swoon:
That was probably my last opportunity to buy a David Ellis piece:

While walking out, I ran into Roger Gastman. Roger is the Editor of Swindle magazine. He's also a powerhouse in the artworld, published many books on graffiti and urban contemporary art and artists. I met Roger, back in 1997 when I started the Suitable 4 Framin' zine. He was my only contributing contact from the state of Maryland. He currently lives in L.A. Great guy. Check out his nice business card, designed by his right hand man, Shepard Fairey. Blocked out his direct contact information so you're not on his tip.

Labels: David Ellis, Faile, Roger Gastman, Swoon, The Burning House